Import Requirement


Import Requirement

How to apply import permit online through ePermit? Click here
Planting Material

Planting materials refer to any living components used to propagate, establish, or cultivate plants. These materials encompass a wide range of biological entities, such as seeds, seedlings, cuttings, bulbs, corms, rhizomes, and tissue cultures. Planting materials serve as the foundation for agricultural and horticultural activities, playing a pivotal role in the cultivation and development of various plant species. The quality, health, and origin of these materials are of importance in ensuring successful crop production, maintaining biodiversity, and safeguarding against the spread of pests and diseases.

Planting materials not registered in the ePermit, as well as agricultural produce and regulated articles imported from new origins or countries not specified in the ePermit, must undergo pest risk analysis to verify their compliance with our requirements.

  • Bamboo Cutting
Fresh Produce

Fresh produce refers to perishable agricultural products that are harvested or collected when they are still in their natural state and have not undergone extensive processing. These products include fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other edible plant-based items.

Fresh produce can harbour pests, diseases, and pathogens that could potentially spread to local crops and ecosystems. Phytosanitary certificates provide evidence that the produce has been inspected and found free from certain pests and diseases, helping to prevent the introduction and establishment of harmful organisms in the importing region.

Importing high-quality, disease-free fresh produce is crucial for the safety and satisfaction of consumers. Phytosanitary certificates verify that the produce meets international standards for health and quality, assuring consumers that they are getting safe and wholesome products.

Fresh produce imports come from various regions with diverse growing conditions. Proper documentation and certification ensure that imported produce does not carry the risk of introducing new pests or diseases that may not be present in Sarawak.

  • Pamelo
Stored Produce

Stored products not only provide dried food for human consumption but also occupy a crucial niche by enabling the availability of animal and aquaculture feed. These commodities, integral to both domestic and international commerce, are vulnerable to various potential risks. The conditions outlined herein highlight the necessity of preventing contamination, infestation, and the spread of pests that can affect the quality, safety, and viability of these commodities

Stored product pest, among the concerned ones are lesser grain weevil and others, are almost impossible to be seen when visual inspections are conducted at entry points, therefore warranted them to be sampled and kept at post entry quarantine stations, for at least, another 3 months. During these periods, they are monitored regularly and kept under strict observation for detection of quarantine pests, emerging from the stored product.  

For Animal Consumption
  • Corn cob
  • Corn gluten meal
  • Broken rice
  • Copra cake
  • Corn grit
  • Canola meal
  • Guar meal Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba
  • Yellow maize
  • Corn
  • Sorghum seed
  • Popcorn seed
  • Hay bale
  • Soybean meal
  • Palm kernel shell


Logs or Wood Products

Logs and wood products that require import permit encompass a wide range of timber, lumber, and wooden materials that are being brought into Sarawak for various purposes, such as construction, manufacturing, and crafting. Import permits are imposed on logs and wood products for several reasons.

Many wood products are derived from forests, which are critical ecosystems that provide habitat for numerous species, regulate climate, and offer various ecosystem services. Import permits for wood products align with international agreements and initiatives aimed at promoting responsible forest management and sustainable trade practices. Certain wood species hold cultural and historical significance and are protected by international agreements, such as CITES. IP ensure that these species are traded legally and sustainably.  

Wood products can sometimes carry invasive pests or diseases that could have devastating impacts on local forests and ecosystems. Import permits require inspections and certifications to confirm that the wood is free from harmful organisms, reducing the risk of introducing new threats to Sarawak.The imposition of import permits on logs and wood products serves as a mechanism to promote sustainable forest management, protect ecosystems, prevent the spread of pests, and adhere to international agreements. It is a proactive measure that addresses the complex interplay between environmental conservation, economic growth, and responsible trade practices.



Soil and Mineral (For Agriculture and Industrial Use)

Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances that play a crucial role in various industries in Sarawak. However, the import of minerals can pose risks related to pests and diseases, which is why imposing import permit for minerals is important.

Import permits serve as a regulatory mechanism to ensure that the minerals being imported adhere to specific standards and requirements. In the context of pest and disease management, import permits help prevent the introduction of harmful pests, pathogens, or invasive species that may be associated with the minerals being brought into Sarawak. These pests and diseases could potentially impact local ecosystems, agriculture, and even human health.  

By requiring import permits, the Department of Agriculture can enforce measures to assess and mitigate the risk of pests and diseases associated with the minerals. This may involve inspections, quarantine procedures, and other preventive measures to ensure that the imported minerals do not carry any harmful biological contaminants.


Fertiliser or Planting Medium

Facilitating the importation of organic matter, particularly in the form of fertilisers containing microbes and organic substances, is crucial for sustainable agriculture. Regulations and efficient import processes are essential to ensure that harmful microbes residing in these fertilisers do not pose risks to plants, animals, or humans. By establishing strict quality control measures and certification protocols, we can safeguard against the introduction of potentially harmful pathogens.


Microorganisms / Earthworm / Herbarium / Dry Specimen

Regulating the importation of microorganisms or earthworm, including dry specimens and herbarium collections, is important for environmental conservation and biosecurity. Strict procedure ensures that potentially invasive species or pathogens do not enter new ecosystems, safeguarding Sarawak’s native flora and fauna. Furthermore, controlled imports of specimens and herbarium, critical for scientific research, prevent the unintentional introduction of pests.