With the aim to prevent the entry and spread of foreign plant pests, in order to protect our natural resources, agricultural and forestry industries, we implement the following activities:
- Pest surveillance, detection and monitoring, in order to determine pest status and outbreak prediction. We study and monitor the population dynamics of both indigenous and quarantine pests which has established itself locally. Currently, the focus is on invasive weeds such as Parthenium hysterophorus, Alternanthera philoxeroides and Ageratina adenophora. Also fall armyworm and bacterial panicle blight on paddy.
- Pest control and eradication to minimise outbreak and damage to crops. Through technology transfer from research and development, we promote the use of innovative crop protection methods to combat pests.
Pest outbreaks can have devastating consequences on agricultural crops and natural ecosystems. Pests can quickly spread and cause extensive damage, leading to economic losses and environmental degradation. It is crucial to detect and contain pest outbreaks as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading and causing further damage.
Reporting pest outbreaks to the nearest agriculture offices is crucial in containing the spread of pests. Our crop protection officers at the divisional level are highly trained in identifying pests and taking necessary measures to prevent their spread. If you encounter or spot any pests, please report them immediately to the nearest agriculture office for prompt action. Crop Protection Focal Person
Alternatively, public may report the outbreak through this form Borang Laporan Perosak Tanaman and send the form to the nearest agriculture offices.

Reporting pest outbreaks to the nearest agriculture offices is crucial in containing the spread of pests. Our crop protection officers at the divisional level are highly trained in identifying pests and taking necessary measures to prevent their spread. If you encounter or spot any pests, please report them immediately to the nearest agriculture office for prompt action. Crop Protection Focal Person
Alternatively, public may report the outbreak through this form Borang Laporan Perosak Tanaman and send the form to the nearest agriculture offices.
- Promote good agricultural practices and safe use of pesticides in control and management of pests, through extension works, farmers’ training and public awareness programme. To check the correct pesticide, please go to
- Develop pest information system / database in accordance to IPPC international phytosanitary standards for facilitating trade of plant / plant products
- Capacity building for developing technical knowledge and capabilities of Inspecting Officers.