About Department


About Department

Department of Agriculture Sarawak (DOA) was established in 1924 and the main focus of the Department was on rubber and pepper. However, in the early 1950s, DOA then shifted its’ focus to extension, training and exposure of new technology to the farmers and entrepreneurs with the intention to increase the crop production and household income.

DOA’s vision is “Sustainable Agro Community” and DOA’s mission is to “Increase Agro Community Through Sustainable Agricultural Practices”. Currently DOA is led by Mr. Dominic anak Chunggat, Director of Agriculture Sarawak, assisted by Mr. Gilbert anak Lgi, Deputy Director of Agriculture (Development) and Mdm. Radziah binti Jack, Deputy Director of Agriculture (Operation).
The Department plays an important role in product development, research as well as promotion and marketing of agriculture-based products. In addition, DOA also offers quality assurance services such as certification and agricultural quality assurance, prevention from various plant diseases through licensing and enforcement.
DOA fully supports the aspirations of the Ministry of Food Industry, Commodity and Regional Development Sarawak (M-FICORD) through agricultural assistance schemes, agricultural research and development, data analysis and management and collaboration with the public and private sectors. The Department also provides technical advice and consultancy services, training and courses to the target group.
Currently, DOA has 15 divisions at the headquarters, 12 Divisional Agricultural Offices throughout Sarawak and a total of 1901 employees currently serving for the Department. Institute of Agriculture Sarawak is an agricultural education institute under the Department that offers a full-time Agricultural Certificate Program to students as of the efforts to further inculcate the interest of younger generation in venturing into agriculture and business.