New Variety Brinjal


New Variety Brinjal

BRINJAL (Solanum melongena) - a new variety

ARC-BJ-105 is a new brinjal variety that has been extensively tested and found to be highly resistant to bacterial wild (Pseudomonas solanacearum). Over a period of more than 10 cropping cycles, this variety has consistently produced high yield of good sized fruits with good eating quality. Brinjal ARC-BJ-105 is now being recommended for planting.

Brinjal or eggplant, locally known as 'Terung', is a popular fruit vegetable among Malaysians. The fruits can be prepared in many ways. They may be steamed, boilded, fried or grilled. Many varieties of brinjal are available in the local market. Different varieties are easily identified by the fruit colour and shape. Some of the commonly sold fruit are the long purple, long white, wound purple black and round white. Normally, fruits that are long have fewer seeds that those which are round.

Bacterial wilt is a serious disease and a major constraint to the production of brinjal. Good yielding varieties that are resistant or tolerant to bacterial wilt are of prime important to growers. To assist farmers, Research Officers at ARC Semongok carried out a project to select, purify, test and recommend a variety suitable for growing under local conditions. Brinjal variety ARC-BJ-105 is the product of this research.

Brinjal Variety ARC-BJ-105

    Attractive ARC-BJ-105

The major characteristics of this variety are as follows:

Plant characters:

Plant height   133 cm
Growth habit   Upright
Stem & leaves   Green with tinge of purple and covered with fine hairs

Fruit characters:

Colour   Purple dark
Flesh   Greenish
Shape   Long and slender
Size   56.7 cm (L) x 3.4 cm (W)
Weight   130 g
Fruit yield   3 kg/plant (range 2.7-3.4 kg/plant)
Days to flowering   21 days after transplanting
Days to harvest   40 days after transplanting


Planting Materials

Brinjal is grown from seed. Freshly extracted and cleaned seeds from ripe fruits can be used as planting materials. Dried seeds in air-tight containers can remain viable for 3-4 months.


The seeds may be sown directly on beds in the field or into polybags in the nursery. To prepare seedlings as transplant, 2-3 seeds are sown directly into small (10 cm x 12 cm) polybags filled with topsoil. Germinating seedlings are watered daily and given a few granules of the common fertiliser. After 4-5 weeks, the plants are ready for transplanting to the field.

Land Preparation

Brinjals grow best on well drained soils. Prepare the field by removing all existing vegetation followed by ploughing. Bed measuring 70 cm wide and 20-30 cm high are constructed 30 cm apart. Apply 10 t/ha chicken manure, 1 t/ha dolimote and 0.2 t/ha of compound fertiliser 12:12:17:2+TE before planting.


Single row planting is recommended. For both direct seeding and transplanting methods, the recommended planting distanceis 1m between rows and 0.5 m within rows. Planting density is 13,300 plants/ha. Provide temporary shade to newly transplanted seedlings. Daily watering is essential after transplanting and during early growth. Once the plants are well established, watering every 2 days is sufficient.


Staking is important to keep the branches upright and to avoid wind damage. If support is not provided, heavily bearing branches may break.


The compound fertiliser 12:12:17:TE at 0.2 t/ha is applied weekly. After the onset of flowering, fertiliser rate is increased to 0.4 t/ha and applied every 10 days.

Weed Control

When the plants are still young, hand weeding is usually practised. Once the plant start to produce, directed post-emergent herbicide sprays may be used to control weeds. Recently, the use of plastic mulch for weed control and moisture retention is becoming very popular.


         Plastic mulch is used for weed control. Staking is required to support the branches.

Pests and Diseases

This variety has a very high resistance to bacterial wilt disease. Fruit and shoot borers can be controlled through judicious spraying of systemic insecticide (e.g Rogor) or pyrethroids (e.g. Kilsect).

Thrips are another common pests of brinjal. Young leaves attacked by thrips are small, become thicker and with the edges curled down. Thrips can be controlled by spraying with Mesurol.


The fruits can be harvested 6 weeks after transplanting or 3 weeks after flowering. Harvesting is done every 3-4 days. The fruits are cut from the stalks with sharp knife or secateur. Fruits of ARC-BJ-105 are purple black and attractive. A yield of 36-45 t/ha can be obtained.


Source: SRO Lim Lee Lee & SRO Chai Chen Chong, Brinjal Variety ARC-BJ-105, Agriculture Research Centre Semongok, 2001