1. Field
- Plough and loosen the soil at 15 - 22 cm deep.
- Prepare the beds at 1.2 cm width and 22 - 30 cm height. The lenght of beds is depends on the area condition.
- Between the beds - 45 cm.
- Mixed 50 kg chicken dung for 50 meter sq area.
2. Pot planting
- Use mixed soil (3:1:1 - soil:organic:sand)
- Put in a pot at 5 cm from the surface
- Prepare a nursery box of 45 cm lenght, 22 cm width and 10 cm height
- Use mixed soils (3:1:1 / soil : organic : sand)
- Plant 3 seeds in the nursery box and cover with a thin layer of sand
- Spacing between row is 5 cm and 2 cm between the plant
- Watering is done twice a day
- Avoid the plant from direct sun and over-raining.
- Transplanting is done 3-4 weeks after planting
- The plant has to be exposed to direct sun 3-4 days before transplanting
1. Field
- Plant can be transplanted to the field 3-4 weeks after planting
- Wet the nursery box before pull out the plant
- Plant the seedlings directly on the beds
- Spacing is 90 cm x 60 cm
2. Pot Planting
- Plant 3-4 seeds in a pot at 2 - 5 cm deep
- Leave 1 plant per pot 2 weeks after planting
Twice a day if it is not raining.
1. Field
- Apply NPK Blue Special (12:12:17:2) around the plant at 1 tea spoon or 10 g per plant once in two weeks
2. Pot Planting
- Apply 1 tea spoon or 5 g NPK Blue Special (12:12:17:2) around the plant each pot once in every week
1. Field
Use dried grass or coconut frond
2. Pot Planting
Use dried grass
Support Preparation
1. Field
- Place the stack of 1½ meter near each plant. Tie the plant with rafia string
2. Pot Planting
- Same as planting in the field but use a stick of 1.2 m lenght
- Spray with carbaryl (Sevin) 10 g with 1 gal of water to control leaf-roller worm, fruit borer.
- Use Maneb (eg. Megamaneb at 1 spoon or 10 g per gal of water) to control bacteria wilt and benomyl such as Benlate at 1 tea spoon or 3 g per gal of water to control leaf spot.
1. Field
- It can be harvested 6 weeks after transplanting to the field in every 4 days
- Average yield from 50 m square area is 75 - 125 kg @ 60 sen per kg, gross income is RM45 to RM75.
2. Pot Planting
- Pick the fruits 10 weeks after planting. Average yield is 1 kg per pot.
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